Source of artwork for Massively Multiplayer Online Games
Rules of Submission is a place where artist may display their creative works without persecution. All visitors are asked to please respect each individual artist's work(s) and creations. If an Artist wants to they may submit a creation as "Anonymous" or create a name for themselves different from a forum name.
Artwork submitted will be judged by the administraitor and placed in the appropriate category. If the creator of a piece wants the creation moved to another location then that person will have to email the website administraitor. Also a brief explanation will be needed stating why the artwork in particular should be moved to a new location. This precaution is done to preventing artwork from being swapped around to much and have it be firmly planted in one particular area.
One thing that will not be tolerated on is the submission of items/creations/artwork that have been plagerized or stolen from another artist. If it is found that a piece of art has been indeed plagerized or stolen the person who sent in the plagerized/stolen work will have their email address banned from submission of items.
Pertaining to the issue of Maturer pieces of art this category is specifically reserved for creations that can be rated T by the ESRB. It is for works of art that have minor adult content (T&A), minor to medium blood shown, and minor to medium gore. will not display material that is Pornographic, ultra violent, and/or contains material not respected by the T rating of the ESRB. Any artwork that goes beyond the T rating of the ESRB and/or contains racist material will be automatically rejected.
At a later date and time the T rating maybe re-evaluated depending upon the success of .
To submit images to please use the email address with the subject Artwork Submission.